
Why Choose Us


Our goal is to provide accurate information as quickly as possible. Many of our searches give instant results! With state of the art technology and a network of nationwide researchers, most of our criminal searches are complete within the same day to 36 hours.


We aim to make the process simple and easily accessible. You’ll have access to your account online, anytime, anywhere. Results can be viewed online, via email or fax.


Confirmify offers competitive pricing with no hidden charges, monthly fees or set up fees. There is also no software to install or licensing fees. Our nationwide network and volume pricing allows us to offer affordable services, all the time.

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About Our Company

Confirmify is a cloud based solution that was created to address the inconsistencies in today's employee onboarding and screening processes. Our company is driven by the need to simplify your process, provide accurate results quickly, all at an affordable price. Confirmify was founded by an experienced management team with expertise in Human Resources, Staffing, General Administration, Employment Screening, Telecommunications and Healthcare. Our US based staff is credentialed, deeply knowledgeable with a wealth of experience. Confirmify has over 25 years of combined experience and our services provide the due diligence and security your company will need to ensure success for your employment screening process.



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